My Mr. Mistoffeles
I am starting nursing school in Jan 2006 and unfortunately I can't take my cat with me.
Here is his "personals" ad:

Neutered Male DSH ISO New Home
My name is Linus and I am a cuddly six year old boy who needs a new home. My mom is off to nursing school and can't take me with her.
*I am a long and lean 16 pound Maine Coon Mix with Black and White tuxedo markings.
*I like a lap to snuggle in, green balls to fetch, my blue blankie, having someone close at all times

*I get along ok with dogs, but I can be territorial so a house with no kids(high school age may be ok) and no other cats.
If you are interested in Linus please let me know. I move on the 7th of January and I need to have a home for him by then.
I can bring him to anywhere within an hour or so of Austin or anywhere in the Houston Area.

He will come with his signature blue blankie to carry around and some of his favorite toys.
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