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Forgive me readers for I have sinned. It has been way too long since my last post.
The trip to Italy was wonderful. I'll eventually make some back posts with pictures and comments.
I am now in my third semester (out of 4) of nursing coursework. It is looking to be my busiest semester so far. I have 4 classes, and 3 of them have clinical components. Everything looks interesting and the instructors appear to be sane unlike last semester (fall) when we had a teacher who would say one thing in lecture and another in the book and yet a third on the tests. I'm glad I got through it unlike a number of my classmates even if my grade was much lower than expected for all the studying I did for the final.
I rediscovered a trick of knitting while reading to decrease the number of times I get sidetracked. This is what I got done while studying my butt off for finals.
Labels: knitting, nursing school